Before you start



· When I say ‘some’ I mean ‘eyeball it’. You need to judge how much you need as I can’t predict your chosen proportions.

· There are no set rules. The sculpture will be unique to your skills. If it’s ugly that means it’s not finished. Stab it more, stab that ugly out!

· Throughout this tutorial I will get you to position the wool, tack it down and then sculpt (stab) in a methodical way. You need to strengthen your felting muscles so pace yourself. Get yourself into a rhythm and watch those fingers.

· Your needle is precious, always push it right into your foam when not in use or you will break it.

· The wool goes in the direction that you point the tip of the needle. If you are making a ball then each stab must go into the centre.

· If you do break your needle, put your tools down until you find it. Cut open your sculpture immediately and retrieve it. The wound is very easily patched and felted together again.

· If you stab yourself, down tools immediately and encourage it to bleed. Treat it with your preferred wound cream and use a plaster.

· I used to put the plasters on first. Sometimes gloves will protect your hand and fingers. This also stops fibers cutting your fingertips when hand blending.

· The wool can become ‘over felted’ and will stop ‘accepting’ any more top coat. This is why we ‘tack’ and ‘check’ everything before ‘sculpting’.

· Using something like Shea Butter or balm on your hands will aid in Hand Felting techniques. A little water to moisten your palms will also work.

· Trimming with scissors will clean up those final fuzzies that simply won’t stab in.

· You don’t have to use all of your wool. In my kit, I have given you enough to have spare for repairs and playing. You could make two small numbats or a normal one and then a teeny one after.

· I’ve found that making another straight after you finish really hones your new skills.



(If you are a complete beginner you might want to join our Sleeping Aussie Babies Support Group on Facebook

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